

Dear all students,

The next Central Committee will be held at the following schedule.

Central Committee is highest decision-making body of the Student Union. The committee discusses and approves basic policies for conducting Student Union activities, as well as budgets for each part of the association.

They attend this committee as voting rights holders who board member of Central Standing Committee, each college of student councils, and extracurricular activities association.

And all students can join this committee as an observer.

学友会とは|What is Student Union

If you hope to join this committee as observer, please application observer apply form.

Once we have confirmed your personal information, we will send you information about the committee to your campus address.

Applications are due by 5:00 p.m. two days prior to the Central Committee.

オブザーバー申請フォーム|Aplly form of observer

※フォームで記入する個人情報は、「立命館大学学友会 個人情報保護に関する規程」に基づきオブザーバーの出席手続きという正当な目的のみに使用します。

第15回中央委員会概要|About the15th Central Committee

日時/Date and time
Tuesday October 29, 2024, 18:00

Request for Approval of Terms and Conditions of the Central Administration
Request for Approval of the Regulations for the Establishment Promotion Committee of the College of Arts and Design Student Council, Ritsumeikan University Student Union
Request for Appointment of the Chairperson of the Establishment Promotion Committee of the College of Arts and Design Student Council, Ritsumeikan University Student Union
Request for Amendment of the Regulations Regarding the Payment of the Activity Guarantee Fee, Ritsumeikan University Student Union
Request for Determination of the Payment Amount for the Activity Guarantee Fee, Ritsumeikan University Student Union
Request for Amendment of the Regulations Regarding the Payment of the Activity Base Support Fund, Ritsumeikan University Student Union
Request for Determination of the Payment Amount for the Activity Base Support Fund, Ritsumeikan University Student Union
Request for Approval of chief executive of the Ritsumeikan Univ.Press
*Additions to the agenda may be made by 10/26 in accordance with the Central Committee Operating Bylaws.


公示についてのお問い合わせ・議事開催後の議事録開示請求は 中央事務局 まで
For inquiries about the public announcement or to request disclosure of the minutes after the meeting is held, please contact Central Administration.

mail: info@r-circle.net