ロッカー貸し出しについて/Circle Locker Rental Information
The Central Administrative Office rents the Circle Lockers on the 2nd floor of the student hall at Kinugasa Campus for groups that do not lend boxes. Affiliated organizations that wish to use this year’s lockers must apply.
- 利用申請について、ロッカーの数・場所ともに限りがございますのでご希望に添えない場合がございます。予めご了承下さい。
- 申請できるロッカーの数は1団体最大6つまでとなります。
- 追加申請期間などの予定はありませんので、必ず申請期間内に申請して下さい。
- 現在ご利用している団体で、今年度の申請がない場合は自動的に利用を解除させて頂きます。その場合、現在利用しているロッカーにある荷物を2024年6月30日(日)までに撤収してください。中央事務局に連絡なく期限日以降荷物が残っていた場合、全て破棄させていただきます。
- 団体のみでの撤収が難しい場合はお問い合わせください。
- 継続して利用することになった団体につきましては、同じ番号のロッカーを利用して頂きます。その場合はロッカー内の荷物を撤収する必要はございません。
- 応募多数の場合は抽選となります。その際の当落は応募された方に別途お知らせいたします。
- 期限は原則1年間です。来年度以降も利用したい場合、その都度更新手続きを行って下さい。
- The number and location of Circle Lockers are limited, so the number and location your organization applied may not be available.
- Each organization can apply for up to 6 lockers maximum.
- If your organization don’t apply by the application period written below, the next application term is next year. Please be sure to apply if your organization want to use Circle Locker.
- If your organization is currently using the locker and did not apply for use this year, please empty the locker that your organization are presently using by June 30, 2024.
- If you have any concerns about emptying the Circle Locker, don’t hesitate to contact the Central Administrative Office.
- If your organization does not apply for use and does not contact the Central Administrative Office, and the Central Administrative Office staff confirms that the locker’s inside is not empty after the above deadline, the Central Administrative Office will dispose of the locker’s contents.
- If your organization currently uses circle lockers and wants to continue to use lockers in the same position as last period, please make the number of Circle Lockers you apply for the same as last period.
- If the needs exceed the number of lockers, we will select which organization can use the Circle Lockers by lottery. After that, the Central Administrative Office will contact the organization that can use the locker in the next period.
- With this application, your organization can borrow the Circle Locker for one year. The next opportunity will be announced at this time next year, so if your organization want to continue using it, don’t miss that announcement.
- If your organization continues to use the same locker, you don’t have to move the contents of the Circle Locker.
利用条件/Terms of Use
Organizations that are active on KIC and belonging as Semi-authorized Organizations, Voluntary Organizations, Registered Organizations, and organisations specially recognised by the Central Administrative Office.
申請手順/Application procedure
Reception: May 13 (Wed) – May 24 (Fri)
Announcement: May 31 (Fri)
Withdrawal: by June 30 (Sun)
Organizations that want to borrow can apply using the form below.
Reception period | May 13 (Wed) – May 24 (Fri)
If your organization is currently using a locker and does not apply for the next period, or if your organization is borrowing less in the next period, please gather the contents and return the Circle Locker to the Central Administrative Office in its original state.
Withdrawal period |Until June 30 (Sun)
The Central Administrative Office announce the representative of organization which borrows lockers by e-mail with a pledge regarding the use of Circle Lockers.
Date of Announcement|June 31 (Fri)
After the results announcement, we will tell you who new and continuous users of the Circle Locker.
You will be asked to decide on a locker PIN. When filling out the form, please bring your stamp. (Shichihara is acceptable.)
申請フォーム/Application Form
サークルロッカー利用申請/Application Form for the Circle Locker