
2022年度全学学生アンケート ご協力のお願い

立命館大学学友会 全学学生アンケート2022

回答期間 | 2022年6月27日(月)〜7月17日(日)



付与対象者には manaba+R にてご連絡差し上げます。

・「生協電子マネー」は「立命館生協」各店舗での利用に限られます。他大学の生協や CO-OP 店頭でのご利用はできません。

Survey for Ritsumeikan University Students 2022

This survey is conducted by Ritsumeikan University Student Council. We are a students self-governing organization that all Ritsumeikan University students are members of and supports the university life of Ritsumeikan University students. Collected opinions are shared with the university and used only for making our university life better!The response to this survey is voluntary, so you will not be disadvantaged even if you don’t answer. Similarly, you will not be disadvantaged by the contents of your responses.
Answer Period: Monday, June 27 – Sunday, July 17, 2022

Students whose classes are taught in English should respond here.↓
Survey for Ritsumeikan University Students

Schedule for providing reward(Co-op e-money)

Application period: Same as the period of this survey
Scheduled date of the grant: Friday, August 5 (tentative)
About reward, if the maximum number is reached, a lottery will be held.
Those who are eligible will be notified by manaba+R.
*Please note that the schedule is subject to change without any notice*

1. This reward will be provided only to your Co-op membership card. Others are not permitted.
2. Before using this reward, you need to recharge the reward on your membership card. please tell Co-op
stores stuff that you want to recharge.
3. This reward can be used at Ritsumeikan Co-op stores.
The application cannot be changed or canceled for any reason.
*Rewards are for Co-op members only*